Premiere "Ons Recht op Reyeroord"

Public event co-organized by youth pleading to be represented in policy-making

Such a lot of drive, creativity and ambition! On November 30th Studio Roodenburch presented “ONS Recht op Reyeroord,” a documentary concerning the development of a youth hub in Rotterdam in theatre Islemunda. The evening started with a young film maker (Chelsey - CCTV) taking pictures of the guests, followed by dancers of Talentz Skool taking the stage; director Maarten reflecting on his experiences (with cameraman Wilbert and producer Jenny) while making the film; MoMo & CiCi giving a breathtaking performance; and, maybe most importantly: Jiska of Erasmus University's Vital Cities and Citizens initiative leading a debate among youngsters (Janice, Sade, Rami, Ayoub and Shumy and relevant contributions from the audience) with Kinara Bahadoer (Wijkraad IJsselmonde), Josje van Nes (Kinderombudsman), Mohammed el Boumeshouli (directeur Wijk aan Zet) and Edim Hadziavdic (Concerndirecteur Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling) on topics such as discrimination, housing, art and youth involvement in policy-making, because, based on the principle of the Right to the City, young people do not only deserve a place in the city, they should also be represented in governance.